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 August 2024, Volume 79 No. 9

Club Website-

Club Facebook-

2024 Officers


Richard Sharp

(509) 551-6785


Mike Estes

(509) 551-9066


Richard Libby

(509) 947-0498

RRGC Logo.png
RRGC Tax Status and Address.png





Annual Picnic and Liars Contest Recap


If you missed the annual RRGC picnic at Leslie Groves Park, we’re sorry.  More than 40 people enjoyed a fun and pleasant evening with more good food than we could eat and lots of visiting and catching up among friends.  John Merk donated all the salmon for the picnic.  Thank you, John!  There were several contestants for the Liar’s Contest this year.  Congratulations to Alec Markel for winning 1st place, Larry Martin for 2nd place, and Evan Kirkpatrick for 3rd place.  Thanks to the organizers, cooks, contest contestants and judges, and to everyone who attended for making the picnic a success.  Our picnic is always held the first Tuesday in August (same day of the month as our general membership meetings) so you can mark your calendar now for next year if you want to save the date.

Photo of the Month


It looks like a whole lot of fishing has been going on this summer.  This month’s winning photo was submitted by Karen McNiven showing her with a black rockfish while fishing on a charter during a recent stay at Ocean Shores.

Vice President

Evan Kirkpatrick

(414) 534-2817

Photo of the Month Contest Guidelines

  • Must be taken in current license year.

  • May include hunting, fishing, habitat, camping.

  • Must include a critter (human or wild).

  • Harvested game must include the hunter or angler.

  • Winners will be selected by the Board of Directors.

  • All photos become property of the Club.

  • Note: The Board may use discretion in applying the guidelines when selecting the winning photo.

  • Please include name of photographer and date taken.

  • To submit entry, Bring photo print to board meeting, or email to at least 6 hours before a board meeting.


Next General Meeting – September 3, 7:00 PM at Richland Public Library

Next Board Meeting- September 17, 7:00 PM at Griggs Pasco Hunter Ed room

October Newsletter Contribution Deadline is September 22.   





September 3 General Membership Meeting


The heat of summer is moderating and the changing of the seasons is nearly upon us.  It is time for us to resume our monthly meeting schedule.  Our speaker for the September 3 meeting will be Matt Wilson, WDFW Statewide Waterfowl Specialist.  Matt will share information about the purposes and results of duck and goose banding in Washington, including the positive impacts from the RRGC wood duck banding program and where a number of ducks that Dale Schielke and his team banded have been recovered.  Matt will also talk about the Pacific Flyway fall flight forecast, bag limits, and harvest strategies.  Bring any waterfowl related questions to the meeting and get them answered by an expert.


Become a member today!

Board of Directors Changes – Treasurer Needed


Rick Libby has been our Treasurer for the past dozen years but he informed us at the August Board of Directors meeting that he will be relocating out of the Tri-Cities soon.  We are truly sorry to see him go and offer our profound thanks for the wonderful job he has done for many years.  We need a new Treasurer ASAP so Rick can have time to transfer his thumb drive which contains the club’s financial records and provide some in-person instruction and tips to his replacement.  Rick estimates that he spends about 6 hours per month, on average, performing the Treasurer’s duties.  If you think you might be interested in becoming our new Treasurer, please (PLEASE) contact Rick (509-947-0498) or Richard Sharp (509-551-6785) at your earliest opportunity for a more detailed discussion.


Also at the August Board meeting, we accepted the resignation of Matt Cummings as our Immediate Past President.  Matt and Connie have relocated to southwestern Washington and Matt has not been available to attend our meetings for the past several months.  We thank Matt and Connie for their past service on the Board and wish them well.


And finally, Karen McNiven has been appointed RRGC Membership Chair.  Karen is a fairly new member who many of you may have been at the club picnic.  Ron Moore had been doing double duty since March as Membership Chair and Web Administrator.  Ron is looking forward to having more time to focus on keeping our web page updated.  Thanks to Ron and Karen for their volunteerism.


Final 2024 Hunter Education Class


The last scheduled Hunter Education class this year will be evening sessions on September 9-13 with range day on Saturday September 14.  Registration for the class is already open.  Register on line at Hunter education training | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. For more information contact Chief Instructor Ron Ruth at  



2024 Kids Duck Day Cancelled


Most years for the past few decades, barring COVID or some other unforeseen calamity, RRGC has helped coordinate and host a youth event at McNary National Wildlife Refuge.  The event is typically in mid-September and has included duck banding, retriever demonstrations, gun safety, wood duck box assembly, bird identification, and other activities.  Dale Schielke has been our lead for the past several years and coordinates with event co-sponsors like USFWS, Friends of the McNary Refuge, WDFW, Ducks Unlimited, and Delta Waterfowl.  Unfortunately, the event will not be held this year due to conflicts on possible dates for the event and the challenges of dealing with a toxic algae bloom.  Dale and our partners have pledged to try to hold the event again next year.  


AKC German Shorthaired Pointer Needs A New Home


Scott and Jessica Hennick are offering their one year old unaltered male GSP for adoption.  Scott says Bear has been raised as a companion, though he has evident GSP hunting instincts and has great training potential.  Bear is house trained and does not mark.  He does great with toddlers and kids and will warm up to you within a day.  He has not been around cats but he does play well with other dogs.  Bear requires lots of exercise, affirmation, and to be given a purpose. Bear travels well and willingly takes baths.  He suffers from a skin rash on his eyes and ears that has not been addressed medically.  Scott suspects it is a grain allergy and has switched his food.  Bear is originally from Pennsylvania and does not have established care locally. He is a big puppy that wants to please.  If you could help Bear out please respond to Jessica Hennick, 541-729-3485.


Message from Limits Game Farm


Dave Piovesan reports that Limits Game Farm will open September 1st this year and will be open for pheasant and chukar hunting. Reservations are being taken now!  As usual, all reservations are taken on a first come-first served basis and by phone only.  During the hot days of September, hunts will only be offered early mornings. Our Hen Special is also being offered for the month of September.   Dave says “I hope to see all of you again this fall to renew our friendship that I so appreciate and enjoy.” 


        Limits Game Farm




RiverFest – October 5, 2024


This event is sponsored by our local cities, public electric utilities, port districts, Benton Conservation District, state wheat and potato commissions, and businesses who place tremendous value on our local rivers.  This year’s event will be held on Saturday, October 5, from 10:00AM to 3:00PM at Columbia Park in Kennewick.  This is a free family event with educational exhibits, hands on learning experiences, entertainment and food vendors.  The slogan for RiverFest is “Our Rivers, Our Life”.  The Columbia and Snake Rivers are valuable assets for the hydropower they produce, the recreational opportunities they provide, and for commercial cost effective transportation of goods to and from our communities.  If you have a chance, take advantage of the opportunity to spend a few hours in the park at this event. 


An Unusual Double


Mike Estes hooked this pair of smallmouth bass while walleye fishing in the Columbia River in early August.  The small bass was hooked on the top hook of a worm harness, had the worm in its mouth, and was in the larger bass’s mouth when Mike brought them to the boat.  The bigger bass was hooked on the lower hook.  What do you think was happening here?  Was it an auntie and her nephew just getting together to share a worm for lunch?  Was the bigger fish trying to get the worm before the little guy ate it?  Or was the bigger fish thinking that it could have a “two-for-one” combo lunch of worm and fish?  In the end, the bigger fish lost out.  The 8” smallmouth was returned to the river to swim another day and the 16” bass went home with Mike for Mike’s dinner.

Download the September 2024 newsletter


Other contest entries were a photo of Larry Rogers with a Snake River walleye submitted by Paul Kison (photo by Paul);


Micah Little submitted a photo of him and his father with limits of kokanee at Lake Tahoe on August 18 while trolling flashers for lake trout and kokanee;


Richard Sharp submitted a photo of Rick Libby with a nice walleye caught on an orange blade hootchie on the Snake River Sharp (photo by Rich);


Packy Lackey submitted a night time photo of him with a nice walleye caught on July 28 (photo by Chris Mosher).


Click this PDF icon to download the September 2024 newsletter

Update your contact information!

If you have changed your address, your phone number, or your email address please use this link and scroll to the bottom of the page where it says

“Update My Contact Information”.


Richland volunteer opportunities for members (



Get involved in one of our Committees:

Salmon in the Classroom: Gene Van Liew –

Wild Game Dinner 2025:  Marilyn Steele –

Wood Ducks:  Dale Schielke –

KOE Kids Fishing Day:  Marilyn Steele –

Hunter Ed:  Ron Ruth –

Guzzlers:  Larry Martin -

Youth Conservation Camp -

Membership: Karen McNiven –

Scholarship:  Mike Estes -

Website: Ron Moore –



RRGC Club Upcoming Activities


Next General Membership Meeting –September 3 at 7:00pm, Richland Public Library

Hunter Education Class – September 9 through 14, Grigg’s classroom and TCMSA range

RiverFest – October 5, 10:00am-3:00pm, Columbia Park

Wild Game Dinner – March 22, 2025, Benton County Fairgrounds Building 4 


Richland Rod & Gun Club is an organized group of hunters, fishermen, and conservationists who share a common interest in the outdoors. Each year the Club members volunteer in a number of work projects that improve wildlife habitat, educate young potential hunters / fisherman, and raise funds for Club projects.


The RICHLAND ROD & GUN CLUB meets the first non holiday Tuesday of each month except July and August at 7:00

The meetings are open to the public and consist of a short business meeting followed by a program of current interest.

Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday at 7:00 at Griggs Pasco meeting facility.


Membership in the Richland Rod & Gun Club can be obtained by filling out an application and paying your annual dues here.


The Richland Rod and Gun Club offers opportunities to work in activities associated with wildlife, the outdoors and youth education. We would appreciate your involvement with one of our projects or programs that include, Fishing, Dog Training, Scholarship, Public Lands, Youth Activities, Migratory Waterfowl, Habitat, Game Birds, Big Game , Landowner Relations.

Content contributions, suggestions, or criticism to the RRGC website should be emailed to,

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