February 2025, Volume 80 No. 2
Club Website- www.richlandrodandgun.org
Club Facebook- www.Facebook.com/RichlandRodandGunClub
2024/2025 Officers
Richard Sharp
(509) 551-6785
Mike Estes
(509) 551-9066
Ron Moore
(509) 521-4528

2025 Quality Trip Drawing
What would you do, where would you go, and who would be your hunting or fishing partner if you won the Quality Trip drawing at this year’s Wild Game Dinner? Chances in the drawing will be available for purchase from Ron Moore at the February 4 meeting for $25 per chance. Read the article about the Quality Trip rules and the opportunity to purchase extra chances in the drawing further down in this newsletter and follow the link in the article to the complete rules on our web page.
March 4 Election of Officers and Trustees
Our Board of Directors is comprised of Trustees and Officers who are elected by members present at the March general membership meeting each year to serve from April 1 through March 31 of the upcoming year. Our bylaws stipulate that there may be up to fifteen Trustees. Officer positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary who are elected by the membership, plus the Immediate Past President who serves without election. Our organization exists only because of the volunteer efforts of its members. That includes working on various projects and activities but we also need the leadership to conduct business, to organize activities, and to chair important committees. Please contact Evan Kirkpatrick (414-534-2817) or Richard Sharp (509-551-6785) to express interest in serving as a Trustee or Officer.
Wild Game Dinner Tickets Available
Tickets will be available at our February 4 meeting for the 73rd annual Wild Game Dinner that will be held on March 22, 2025 at the Benton County Fairgrounds. The number of tickets is limited and are $30 each. The event is restricted to RRGC members and their guests. The program presenter will be professional photographer John Clement.
Prizes and wild game, fish, and fowl are being collected for the dinner now. If you are a hunter or fisherman, please consider donating a portion of your harvest for the dinner. Each package must be tagged with the donor’s name, WILD ID number, species and cut of meat, plus the date and location taken. Ground meat cannot be accepted. Copies of our prize solicitation letter will be available at the February general membership meeting that you can give to potential donors that explains our nonprofit status and the reasons for the solicitation. Please think about how you can contribute to and be involved in the Wild Game Dinner. Please contact John Prather (509-521-1593) for more information about meat and prize donations or Marilyn Steele (509-392-2128) about helping with the dinner preparations.
Marilyn says we are still a bit short on deer and elk. We can use roasts or trimmings that we can grind for sausage. We have plenty of catfish, but salmon, walleye, bass, rock fish etc. are in short supply. Something new at the dinner this year will be roast goose. Bill Lambert is providing the club with plucked whole geese. It will be a new challenge to get them to perfection on the smoker we borrow from Griggs – anyone up for the challenge?
WGD Preparations
February 21, 6:00pm – Clean the fridge and freezer and inventory the meat. Location: John Prather’s shop, 215107 E Game Farm Rd, Kennewick. Text Marilyn (509-392-2128) if you are available to help.
February 28, 5:30pm - Sausage making at John Prather’s shop. (Marilyn will provide soup for volunteers.)
March 1, 9:00am – More sausage making at John’s shop. (Breakfast burritos for helpers.)
March 2, 9:00am – Meatball prep at Marilyn’s house, 41530 S Morton Rd. Kennewick. (Biscuits and gravy for helpers.)
March 9, Noon – Chukar prep at John’s shop. (Marilyn plans a light lunch for helpers.)
March 16, Noon – More chukar prep at John’s shop. (Chukar soup lunch for helpers.)
March 21, 9:00am – Wild Game Dinner set up and prep at Benton County Fairgrounds Building 4. (Pizza lunch at noon.)
March 22, 7:00am – The culmination! Breakfast at 8:00am with cooking to follow. BCF Building 4.
As you can see, it takes lots and lots of time and people to prepare for the Wild Game Dinner. That is part of what makes it a truly unique event. Please mark your calendar and come have some fun and help us prepare. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED – but experienced helpers make great mentors.
Introduction to Fishing
Richard Sharp will be conducting another free Introduction to Fishing class on March 1. See details in the flyer below. Call or text Rich to sign up for the class or to offer your assistance during the class.
Quality Trip Rules
Annual membership dues expire on March 31. Dues must be paid for 2025 to be eligible to enter the 2025 Quality Trip drawing. Each member is eligible to purchase two chances in the drawing but members who have performed volunteer work on a number of RRGC projects and activities are eligible to earn additional chances. A free chance in the raffle will be offered to any member who 1) purchases a chance in the drawing, and 2) has accumulated 20 or more hours of volunteer work on club sponsored projects during the preceding calendar year (January 1 through December 31, 2024). A second free chance will be offered if the individual purchases 2 or more chances and has accumulated 40 or more hours as described in the preceding sentence. No member may be awarded more than two free chances in the drawing. Volunteer service on the following projects will count towards the accumulated hours.
Tri-Cities Sportsmen Show – Lunker Lake and Youth Pellet Range (set-up, tear down, shift work)
Wild Game Dinner (food preparation, cooks, equipment transport, event set-up and tear down)
KOE Special Needs and Kids Fishing Days (rod assembly, mentoring, event activities)
Angler Education (class instructors and assistants)
Hunter Education Class (instructors and assistants during classes and range day)
Hunter Education Pheasant Hunt (mentors and dog handlers)
Introduction to Firearms Class (instructors and assistants)
Salmon in the Classroom (egg and supply deliveries, carcass deliveries, dissections, fish release)
Habitat (water guzzler installation, monitoring, maintenance , removal or relocation)
Wood Duck Nests (construction, installation, monitoring and maintenance, student instruction)
RRGC wildlife related group projects in support of WDFW, USFWS, and other agencies.
Quality Trip chances are available from Treasurer Ron Moore. The drawing will be held as the last event of the annual RR&GC Wild Game Dinner on March 22, 2025. The winner does not need to be present to win. For full details and a copy of the agreement the winner will be required to sign, follow this link to the Quality Trip page then click on Quality Trip Rules underlined in the first paragraph: https://www.richlandrodandgun.org/trips
Board of Directors Meeting Highlights
Activity at the January BOD meeting included approval of our annual Use of Funds donations. Our donations this year include support to Coastal Conservation Alliance ($250), Columbia Dive Rescue ($300), Delta Waterfowl ($100), USA Olympic Shooting Team ($100), NRA Foundation ($250), and Friends of Mid-Columbia River Wildlife Refuges ($300). The Board also approved continuing to offer scholarships to upper level college students pursuing degrees in wildlife related fields of study and to fund several youth to Washington State Youth Conservation Camp this summer. The Board also authorized the Treasurer to replenish our inventory of hats that are available for purchase by members. Four styles of Port Authority camo hats; some with mesh backs, some with solid backs, and some in pink should be available soon.
Salmon in the Classroom Egg Delivery
Eleven RRGC volunteers delivered salmon eggs to fish tanks in 37 schools in Richland, West Richland, and Kennewick on January 9. The eggs were brought from the WDFW Priest Rapids Fish Hatchery to Richland by Benton Conservation District staff early in the morning and then transferred to volunteers for delivery to fish tanks in the schools. Thank you to Blaine Schwartz, Monty Kelsey, Jerry Bloom, Gail Brown, Paul Kison, Dave Myers, Pam Anderson, Bill and Karen Suhr, Tim Lynch, and Mike Estes for delivering the salmon eggs.
The photo below was taken by Pam Anderson of the fish tank at Eastgate Elementary School in Kennewick and shows the teacher’s instructions to her students.
Vice President
Evan Kirkpatrick
(414) 534-2817
Photo of the Month Contest Guidelines
Must be taken in current license year.
May include hunting, fishing, habitat, camping.
Must include a critter (human or wild).
Harvested game must include the hunter or angler.
Winners will be selected by the Board of Directors.
All photos become property of the Club.
Note: The Board may use discretion in applying the guidelines when selecting the winning photo.
Please include name of photographer and date taken.
To submit entry, Bring photo print to board meeting, or email to admin@richlandrodandgun.org at least 6 hours before a board meeting.
Next General Meeting – February 4, 7:00 PM at Richland Public Library
Next Board Meeting- February 18, 7:00 PM at Griggs Pasco Hunter Ed room
March Newsletter Contribution Deadline is February 22.
Email: admin@richlandrodandgun.org
February 4 General Membership Meeting
2024 Quality Trip winner Dave Myers will be the program presenter for the February 4 meeting. Dave and his partner in the drawing, Dale Schielke, will share their experiences from an unguided fly fishing trip to Mellin Lake, British Columbia for trophy Kamloops Rainbow Trout.
Become a member today!
Download the February 2025 newsletter
Photo of the Month
There were three contest entries this month. Evan Kirkpatrick submitted a photo of Evan with two beautiful drake Bufflehead ducks harvested on the Columbia River. The photo was taken on December 4, 2024 by Richard Sharp. John Cooper submitted a photo taken by Zach Harris of John with his very nice Mule deer buck harvested in November in Colorado. John Prather submitted a photo of his granddaughter Lilliah Reser with a rooster pheasant harvested on her first ever hunt. The photo was taken by John on January 21 at Limits Game Farm. Evan’s photo was selected the winner. Congratulations to all the hunters!
Welcome to Our New Members
Three new memberships were approved this month. Please join us in welcoming Jeremy Wodtli of Pasco, Rodney Means of Richland, and the Sydney Redweik family of Kennewick.
Next Hunter Education Class – March 2025
The next Hunter Education class will begin on Monday March 31, 2025. It will be an evening class held at Grigg’s Department Store in Pasco. Registration will open on line on the WDFW web approximately March 1. Another class is being planned for July (details to follow.)
Upcoming McNary and Umatilla NWR Volunteer Events
USFWS will be hosting a volunteer Post Season Blind Clean Up and pole planting of willow and cottonwood starts in the Fee Hunt Area of McNary National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, March 1. Volunteers will meet at the McNary HQ at 9:00 am. Materials and staff will be on hand to help with the planting and cleanup.
USFWS will be hosting Post Season Hunt Meetings for hunters this year for McNary and Umatilla NWRs. McNary's meeting will be Wednesday, March 19 at 6:00 pm at McNary HQ, 64 Maple Street, Burbank, WA. The Umatilla NWR Post Season hunt meeting will be Thursday, March 27 at 6:00 pm at the Umatilla Office/Shop, 72650 Riverview Lane, Irrigon, OR.
Volunteers Needed for Upcoming KOE Fishing Events
The Kids Outdoor Education (KOE) Special Needs fishing event will be on Friday, April 11 at the Columbia Park Family Fishing Pond in Kennewick. The KOE Kids Fishing event will be on Saturday, April 12 at the same location. Registration will be on line at Kennewick Parks and Recreation. Group fishing rod assembly for the events will be at 9:00am on Saturday, March 29 at the Grigg’s Hunter Education room. Free lunch will be provided. Persons wanting to pick up and assemble rods at home are also welcome to help. It takes a lot of helpers and fishing buddies (mentors) to put on these events. Please contact Marilyn Steele (509-392-2128) to volunteer.
Guzzler Maintenance
Alan Hamilton (farmer/land owner), Jerry Bloom, Wade Conant, Brayden Wodili & Larry Martin repaired guzzler #28 in the Badger Canyon road area of Benton County on January 17. The cause of the guzzler damage was undermined. Brayden set up the club’s new video camera to record the repair. John Merk recently welded up 15 metal posts with anchors for upcoming guzzler repairs. Thanks guys!
The Importance of Water to Wildlife
Larry Martin downloaded the photo shown below from Google Earth. The photo shows Guzzler 137 near McKinley Springs Road in Klickitat County, just outside of Benton County. Larry was informed a few years ago about several guzzlers in that area that had been damaged by fire. Larry and his team repaired several of them two years ago, including Guzzler 137. Notice the game trails coming from several directions to drink from the cistern.
See below for contest rules and please keep those photos coming! All contest submittals will appear on the big screen at the Wild Game Dinner in March.

Click this PDF icon to download the February 2025 newsletter
Update your contact information!
If you have changed your address, your phone number, or your email address please use this link and scroll to the bottom of the page where it says
“Update My Contact Information”.
Richland volunteer opportunities for members (richlandrodandgun.org)
Get involved in one of our Committees:
Salmon in the Classroom: Mike Estes estesm34@gmail.com or
Gene Van Liew – e.van-liew@hotmail.com
Wild Game Dinner 2025: Marilyn Steele – momhoops46@gmail.com
Wood Ducks: Dale Schielke – dahlialou@gmail.com
KOE Kids Fishing Day: Marilyn Steele – momhoops46@gmail.com
Hunter Ed: Ron Ruth – RonRuth.HunterEd@gmail.com
Guzzlers: Larry Martin - larry49martin@gmail.com
Youth Conservation Camp: Larry Martin - larry49martin@gmail.com
Membership: Karen McNiven – richlandrodandgunmembership@gmail.com
Scholarship: Mike Estes - estesm34@gmail.com
Website: Braydon Wodtli and Micah Little – admin@richlandrodandgun.org
RRGC Club Upcoming Activities
Next General Membership Meeting – February 4 at 7:00pm, Richland Public Library
HE Pheasant Hunt – February 22, 2025 at Limits Game Farm, Mesa
WGD Sausage Making – February 28 at 5:30pm at John Prather’s shop
WGD Sausage Making - March 1 at 9:00am at John Prather’s shop
McNary NWR Blind Clean Up and Planting – March 1 at 9:00am, McNary HQ in Burbank
Introduction to Fishing Class – March 1 from Noon to 3:00pm at Grigg’s Dept. Store in Pasco
WGD Meatball Making – March 2 at 9:00am at Marilyn Steele’s home
Chukar Prep – March 9 at Noon at John Prather’s shop
More Chukar Prep – March 16 at Noon at John Prather’s shop
Wild Game Dinner Set Up – March 21 at 9:00am at Benton Co. Fairgrounds Building 4
Wild Game Dinner Final Prep – March 22 at 7:00am, BCF Building 4
Wild Game Dinner – March 22, 2025 at 5:00pm, BCF Building 4, Kennewick
KOE Fishing Rod Assembly – March 29 at 9:00am at Grigg’s Dept. Store in Pasco
Hunter Education Class – Starts March 31, 2025 at Grigg’s Dept. Store in Pasco
KOE Special Needs Fishing Event – April 11, Columbia Park Family Fishing Pond
KOE Kids Fishing Event – April 12, Columbia Park Family Fishing Pond
Richland Rod & Gun Club is an organized group of hunters, fishermen, and conservationists who share a common interest in the outdoors. Each year the Club members volunteer in a number of work projects that improve wildlife habitat, educate young potential hunters / fisherman, and raise funds for Club projects.
The RICHLAND ROD & GUN CLUB meets the first non holiday Tuesday of each month except July and August at 7:00
The meetings are open to the public and consist of a short business meeting followed by a program of current interest.
Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday at 7:00 at Griggs Pasco meeting facility.
The Richland Rod and Gun Club offers opportunities to work in activities associated with wildlife, the outdoors and youth education. We would appreciate your involvement with one of our projects or programs that include, Fishing, Dog Training, Scholarship, Public Lands, Youth Activities, Migratory Waterfowl, Habitat, Game Birds, Big Game , Landowner Relations.
Content contributions, suggestions, or criticism to the RRGC website should be emailed to, admin@richlandrodandgun.org