Harley's Corner
Youth Coloring and Idea Contest

November 2019 coloring contest winner is Hunter Mosher Age-6

This is Harley from Richland I have been an RRGC member for three years. I like to Hunt and Fish with my family, I have been doing Archery since I was 2 yrs old and love shooting competition as well as going out and shooting my rifles. I also love to work with Groups on Conservation efforts. Whether it be wood duck nesting box cleaning or catching and recording data on the endangered Bumblebees. My family travels to help with the planting of native plant species across the state and works with the RRGC to help with the youth and conservationists of tomorrow. It is my hope that other kids like me could go out to the outdoors and help to preserve our native habitats and species. It is up to this generation to leave ours with something better. But it is our generation that needs to start thinking past the Wi-Fi Signal if we want any kind of nature for our future.
Rules / Instructions are as follows:
Print off a coloring page and idea page.
Finish your coloring page and fill out your ideas page (you can get an older kid or adult to help you with writing if you want.)
You can enter your finished pages by emailing them back to: rrgcharleyscorner@gmail.com or by bringing in your entry to our next general membership meeting on the first non-holiday Tuesday of each month at the Richland Public Library.
make sure to include at least a first name and city along with a contact; either an email or phone number that the RRGC can reach you by. If we have no contact and you win that would stink if we couldn’t get ahold of you.
Participants should be under 18 years of age. Adults can enter ideas for the club if they would like as well as coloring sheets but write ADULT on the entry form please. That way our youth are the ones receiving the youth prizes.
Please no bad language or views expressed either towards hunters or fisherman. This contest is being ran by youth members of the RRGC.